
Happy 11 months

Wow oh Wow our sweet baby Dalton is already 11 months old! My how times flies. I can hardly believe you are almost one!

--You are a very laid back baby and only really cry when you are hungry or have a messy diaper.

--Your chunky butt is in a size 5 diaper and you wear anything from 9-18 months clothes.

--You still take a bottle and you eat about 6oz at a time.

-- You are crawling all over the place and cruise along with the couch.

--You are working on eating some table food as you like to gag like your big brother Bryson.

--You usually sleep 10-12 hours a night....in your crib.

--Your big brothers love you very much and love hold and carry you all around.

--You have finally started to like going to the pool but it takes you a while to warm up to the cold water!

--You will finally give mommy kisses....open mouthed that is!

--Standing and looking out the front door at the world is your favorite past time.

--You have lots of hair and if you were a girl you could totally pull off a bow. :)

--You also have the biggest blue eyes....you get tons of compliments on them.

You are a sweet sweet little boy....mommy, daddy and your brothers love you oh so MUCH!

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