

Yea for short work weeks.....though it feels as if it is dragging on and on and on and on! We had a very wonderful Christmas that went by way to fast! The boys got more then they needed and I am still trying to find room for it all! :) Ryan has to work new years so it is just me and the boys so we will veg out and play games I am sure!

Ryan and I are doing pound plunge so that will be fun....the no pop will be not be fun but hey gotta start somewhere! I am excited yet nervous for it. It is defiantly time for a change!

Welp that's all I got! Hope my few readers have have very happy new year!


Happy 7th Birthday Mr. Bryson Randal

WOW....my baby is 7!!! That is oh so very hard to believe. It seems like November 23rd 2003 at 11:48 p.m. when I first became a mom wasnt 7 years ago! Oh Bryson you are such a sweet boy! You can defintaly tell that you are the oldest because you protect your brothers with all you have. Sometimes...okay alot of the times they make you mad, ruin you stuff or bother you when you are trying to do something but you love them anyway! You will always share with your brothers and like to make sure they are taken care of.

You are really enjoying the 1st grade and soak up everything you can while you are at school. Dont get me wrong you always get out of your seat and dont always listen but come on you are ALL boy! You enjoyed playing flag football. Also you are really into nerf guns and love to play "ARMY". You are a wonderful young man and I love you oh so much!

Happy 7th Birthday my sweet boy!



Well it has once again been a while since I have blogged....shocker I know! Football and Soccer is finally over for the boys so that has freed up some time....Thank goodness! I can not hardly believe it is already almost Thanksgiving...where did 2010 go??? We will be going to Kansas City for Thanksgiving so that will be fun. I love getting up early and getting all of the good deals! The boys have not really been up to to much lately. School is going well with them all so that is good. Conferences went well and they are all where they need to be! I have been busy at work and so has Ryan with his 3 jobs. He is really loving working in Ellis Co and not having to drive to Russell every other day! We have also enjoyed it to because we can go see him and have dinner with him.

We got our family pictures taken and they are AWESOME....Thank you Andrea Rodger Photography. Here is one of the family ones and one of the boys together!

Well that is all for now! I am sure I will have more to post as some certain young man will be turning 7 real soon! Have a good one!


busy busy

So.....it has been a month since I last posted! Opps! We have been pretty busy in the Werth household! I am sure everyone can relate to that! Between work, school, flag football, religion, spelling words and reading we are always doing something!

Ryan and I just celebrated our 7 year anniversary. We went to Kansas City for 4 days KID FREE!!!!!!! We went to a Chiefs game and the WON!!!! We also did a little shopping and had a really good time! It was MUCH needed!

Dalton is a walking fool and looks like a drunk old man! Weston is loving pre-school and is doing really well potting. Corbin is also loving pre-school and loves to help his brother out in class. Bryson has been busy with flag football, religion and homework.

Ryan got in full time at Ellis County EMS...THANK you GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This will mean a set schedule and he will be much happier working there! I am so ready for fall the cooler temps can not get here fast enough. Ok I think I have you all caught up on what is going on with us.


bad bad blogger I am!

Well now that August is half way over and I have not posted the whole month.......I figure I better! We have had alot going on in the last month or so in the Werth household. By baby boy Dalton turned 1, (pics to come) My big boy Bryson lost his first tooth on 8/10/10, Weston my 3 year old is FINALLY potty trained! I knew with him that he would take his own sweet time....and he did. 3 years and 3 months later we are good to go with no accidents and he stay dry through the night and naps! YEA WESTON!!!! That is 3 of the 4.....Corbin though he is addicted to the WII....I know I know not good for him but he loves the sports game and is a PRO on bowling and even has his own special little ball! HA

Bryson started his first day of 1st grade today and had a good day! He has the same teacher he had last year as that's how his school rolls the same teacher for 2 years. He walked in went to his desk and put his stuff away like he hadn't skipped a beat!

Corbin and Weston start preschool on Monday....such big stuff they are! This will be Corbin's 2nd year so I hope he will help show his brother the ropes! I just hope they get along....one can dream right!

So that is the down low on the Werth clan! Have a Happy Thursday! :)



Welp once again not a whole lot going on here! We are heading to Pratt this weekend for my nieces b-days and who could miss the Pratt Co Fair! haha! Also a Pizza Taco will be had by all. If you are ever in Pratt Kansas you must stop and have a Pizza Taco. Ryan has been busy working his 3 jobs. I know I don't say it enough but I really truly appreciate all he does for us. Even though he is not here as often as I would like I know he is working his butt off. The boys have been extra ornery lately and keep me on my toes! School starts in less then a month...I am soooo ready to be back on a schedule! This will be Weston's first year of pre-school which is so hard to believe! Ok enough rambling I am off to bed! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


T-ball recap

Once again not a whole lot going on here! Man we are a boring crew! HA! Sunday was Bryson's last t-ball game ever....tear tear! My baby is growing up. Here he is they were the Red Hawks!

Here is the pic of the whole team and some of Bryson batting.

After the game the team headed to Sonic for an end of the season treat....can anyone say HOT....say it with me HOT!!!! Then we came home and did a whole lot of NOTHING which is always nice. Hope everyone is staying cool and hydrated!


T-ball, pool and pee pee's

Not a whole lot going on in the Werth household today! This morning we had Bryson's tball game and the boys played really good. This afternoon we went to the pool with my friend Andrea and her sweet daughter Lyla. The pool was packed since there was a swim meet. The boys had fun and I managed to not lose any of them or have one drown. :) That is a successful day at the pool if you ask me! Oh and then there was Corbin he is 4 so one would think he could go to the bathroom by himself. NOT....he comes running out of the bathroom with his trunks pulled down and all twisted cause he was soaked and couldn't get them back up. Thank god I was not clear across the pool from the bathroom like I usually am and was right there about 100 feet away. I was able to help him get his pants pulled up and spared anyone who hasn't seen boy parts before! After that it was time to go the babies had had enough and so had this mama. Not much on the agenda for tomorrow laundry and Bryson's last tball game EVER....they grow to fast! Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


Oh what a night.....

I will just start by saying my boys sure do keep me on my toes. When I went to pick the 3 younger boys up from daycare Corbin said that Weston had hit his lip with his head. He showed me and I didn't think anything of it....so we get in the car to head home to Bryson and my niece Keegan who are being babysat at my house and low and behold they have locked the babysitter out of the house! Needless to say the bike has been taken away and he has had several extra chores. After that fiasco I take a better look at Corbin's lip and there is a huge gash in it and you can see the meat of his lip...mom of the year sign me up for not looking closer sooner. So a trip to the ER later and they did nothing and said it will heal on its own. Lets hope he doesn't have a fat lip forever full of scar tissue. UGH That is what my night has consisted of I know you are jealous I just know it! The joys of BOYS!

Happy 11 months

Wow oh Wow our sweet baby Dalton is already 11 months old! My how times flies. I can hardly believe you are almost one!

--You are a very laid back baby and only really cry when you are hungry or have a messy diaper.

--Your chunky butt is in a size 5 diaper and you wear anything from 9-18 months clothes.

--You still take a bottle and you eat about 6oz at a time.

-- You are crawling all over the place and cruise along with the couch.

--You are working on eating some table food as you like to gag like your big brother Bryson.

--You usually sleep 10-12 hours a night....in your crib.

--Your big brothers love you very much and love hold and carry you all around.

--You have finally started to like going to the pool but it takes you a while to warm up to the cold water!

--You will finally give mommy kisses....open mouthed that is!

--Standing and looking out the front door at the world is your favorite past time.

--You have lots of hair and if you were a girl you could totally pull off a bow. :)

--You also have the biggest blue eyes....you get tons of compliments on them.

You are a sweet sweet little boy....mommy, daddy and your brothers love you oh so MUCH!


Where do I begin???

You will have to bear with me as this is my first time to post. I have read many blogs and decided to start one of my own. Thanks to peer pressure from my dear friend Andrea. :) I guess I will start out with telling a bit about myself! I have been married for 6 years to Ryan. He is a recent graduate of paramedic school and is officially a paramedic! YEA!!! The longest 18 months of my life! We have 4 wonderful little BOYS! Yep all boys! Bryson who is 6 and will be starting 1st grade in the fall. Corbin who is 4 and will be in his 2nd year of pre-school. Weston who is 3 and if I can get him potty trained will be starting his 1st year of pre-school. Last but not least Dalton he is 11 months tomorrow and is a little sweetheart. My boys and work take up most of my time so I hope that I will be able to keep up with this whole blog thing. So for now this is what I got! :)