Love, Ryan, Shelly, Bryson, Corbin, Weston and Dalton
Happy 8th Birthday Bryson
Happy Birthday is so hard to believe that it was 8 years ago you made me a mama. Not only did you make me a mama you made me a better person.

You are such a sweet boy with a very sensitive side to you. This season of your life you are loving anything that has prefer skateboarding or riding your scooter. You got to pick out your very own board from White Chocolate and are super proud of it. You also got some new skater boy shoes from there as well.

You are in the 2nd grade this year and your favorite subject is recess. You are doing really well and have lots of friends. I think 1/2 of 2nd grade was at our house for your party.

I am so proud to call you my son. Your dad and I love you to the moon and back! Happy 8th Birthday buddy!
You are such a sweet boy with a very sensitive side to you. This season of your life you are loving anything that has prefer skateboarding or riding your scooter. You got to pick out your very own board from White Chocolate and are super proud of it. You also got some new skater boy shoes from there as well.
You are in the 2nd grade this year and your favorite subject is recess. You are doing really well and have lots of friends. I think 1/2 of 2nd grade was at our house for your party.
I am so proud to call you my son. Your dad and I love you to the moon and back! Happy 8th Birthday buddy!
Happy 2nd Birthday Dalton Ryan
Happy 2nd Birthday sweet boy!
I can not even believe that you are 2 already! They past 2 years have flown by. You are such a sweet little boy that LOVES your mama! I am clearly your favorite! :) You are such a happy boy and just go with the flow. We dont go to the doc till next month so I am not sure how much you weight and how tall you are....though I am thinking somewhere near 25-27 pounds!
We had your b-day party this last weekend and I think it was a hit. You got alot of great presents and had a good time. Not sure you knew everyone was there for you but you had fun! When we ask you how old you are you will hold out your hand with all 5 fingers up and say is sooo cute!
You love bananas and call them nene's. You will pretty much eat anything and is not to picky in the food department. You sleep a good 10 hours at night but have been not wanting to go to bed at we let you cry it out and that usually works. When you wake up in the morning you are usually so happy and ready to go for the day! You love your brothers and try to be right there with them all the time.
Its been a while!
Well once again I get the blogger of the year award. Its been a couple months since the last post. Not that we don't have anything going on I just never seem to know what to write! Well Ill catch my few readers up on what is going on in the Werth house! Ryan has been busy at work and spent alot of time down at wild west fest this past week working at booth for his volunteer gig he has going on. Myself well I have been busy with the boys since Ryan has been working so much! Bryson had his last game of baseball last night...they had a really good season and all the boys played really well. Corbin has his last t-ball game this weekend. Ryan was his coach this year and they also had a really good team! I will have to post some pics once I get to the computer that has them on them. Weston well he is just ornery and enjoys going to his big brothers games and practices. He really likes to play at the park while they practice! :) Then there is Dalton...oh my sweet little baby boy that will be 2 in one month from tomorrow. Where has the time gone. It breaks my heart to know that my BABY will be 2 and that I am DONE having kids. That is a whole other post in its self...tear. Well that pretty much catches you up. I will try to do better at blogging!
Happy 4th Birthday Weston Wayne!
Happy Birthday sweet boy!

Oh little Weston you are such a sweet boy....but you are very ornery also. I can't believe that you are already 4. It just seems like yesterday you were born. You are in your first year of preschool and love it! You love going to school and I hope that continues.

You love Toy Story and we had a wonderful Toy Story birthday party for you! You got a new bike for your birthday and want to ride it where ever we go. You are still just a little guy and I will be surprised if you weigh 35 pounds. You are excited to play t-ball this summer and love to play catch with your dad.

Oh little Weston you are such a loving little boy and you love to snuggle with mom. I love you so much little man and I hope you had a wonderful birthday! I love you!
Oh little Weston you are such a sweet boy....but you are very ornery also. I can't believe that you are already 4. It just seems like yesterday you were born. You are in your first year of preschool and love it! You love going to school and I hope that continues.
You love Toy Story and we had a wonderful Toy Story birthday party for you! You got a new bike for your birthday and want to ride it where ever we go. You are still just a little guy and I will be surprised if you weigh 35 pounds. You are excited to play t-ball this summer and love to play catch with your dad.
Oh little Weston you are such a loving little boy and you love to snuggle with mom. I love you so much little man and I hope you had a wonderful birthday! I love you!
Dalton's New Hairdo
So I decided it was time to cut off all of sweet (not so much a baby) Daltons curls....his bangs where hanging in his eyes so bad that he was blinking like crazy to get them out of his eyes!

My sweet friend Tasha is a babysitter by day and a hairdresser by whenever somone needs a cut! I was so glad that she was able to be the one to cut his hair she was really good with him and he did so good sitting there for her!

She had the kids and I over for pizza and to hang out a bit and then she got to cuttin....The kids love to play together and were wound for sound!

I think he grew up about 10 years in that short little 20 minutes it took to cut his hair!

Won't be long and he will be driving! TEAR
My sweet friend Tasha is a babysitter by day and a hairdresser by whenever somone needs a cut! I was so glad that she was able to be the one to cut his hair she was really good with him and he did so good sitting there for her!
She had the kids and I over for pizza and to hang out a bit and then she got to cuttin....The kids love to play together and were wound for sound!
I think he grew up about 10 years in that short little 20 minutes it took to cut his hair!
Won't be long and he will be driving! TEAR
Happy 5th Birthday Corbin Lee
My oh My it is sure hard to believe you are 5. You are such a sweet little boy! You are a loving brother and a wonderful son. You LOVE school and do not like it when it is not in sesson. Lets just hope this continues. At school you like to help the younger kids when they need it and even your little brother who is in there with you!
You have nicknames for all of us in our immediate family and they are quit interesting! I am going to list them so that I never forget what you were thinking when you were 5! start with you call your dad Grubby Gramrys, Mom is Mommy Bobbies, Bryson is Brrrrrrycies, Weston is Restroom, Dalton is NeeNeich and even the dog Molly has a nickname and that is Gerbers......Oh Corbin you are a HOOT!
You get to start soccer in the spring and are really looking forward to it! We are having your birthday party at the bowling alley and it is a perfect match for you as you LOVE to play Wii bowling and are quit good at it!
I hope that you have a wonderful 5th Birthday! I love you sweet boy!
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